Introduction: Gesture recognition helps computers to understand human body language. This helps to build a more potent link between humans and machines, rather than just the basic text user interface or graphical user interfaces(GUIs). In this project for gesture recognition, the human body's motions are read by a computer camera. The computer then makes use of this data as input to handle applications. The objective of this project is to develop an interface that will capture human hand gestures dynamically and will control the volume level Code: import cv2 import mediapipe as mp from math import hypot from ctypes import cast , POINTER from comtypes import CLSCTX_ALL from pycaw . pycaw import AudioUtilities , IAudioEndpointVolume import numpy as np cap = cv2 . VideoCapture ( 0 ) mpHands = mp . solutions .hands hands = mpHands .Hands() mpDraw = mp . solutions .drawing_utils devices = AudioUtilities . GetSpeakers () interface = devices .Activate( IAudioEnd...
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