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How to draw discord logo using python

 Python turtle module In this project we will use the python turtle module to draw the discord logo Installation of the module If you have Python3.0.0 or the latest version of python then we have the module preinstalled already. But if you have not the latest version you can simply install it by the commond pip install turtle. But if you have not install the pip in your terminal you can not use the module. First Part Firstly import the module and all the methon using from turtle import *  Create the curve The post is all depend on the drawing of the curve. So it is important to draw a curve and then join the curve and create your own desgin. Draw the curve using  for loop. for i in range(27):      forward(2)      right(0.3) Source Code from   turtle   import  * pensize ( 3 ) speed ( 7000 ) bgcolor ( '#7289DA' ) penup () goto (- 40 , 50 ) left ( 5 ) pendown () for   i   in   range ( 27 ):      forward ( 2 )      right ( 0.3 ) left ( 60 ) forward ( 20 ) penup () backward ( 20 )