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Showing posts with the label windows

How to make a alarm clock in python | Alarm clock in python GUI

 Alarm Clock Well as a student we need the alarm clock most. We have already our mobile phones to set our alarm.But think like a coder we can make it by our own and can customize it and it is very fun.So open your ide and start building this amazing project. Just enjoy your code. Required Module from   tkinter   import  *   import   datetime import   time import   winsound Make the main function for the alarm def   alarm ():      while   True :          set_time  =  f " { hours . get () } :  { minute . get () } :  { seconds . get () } "          time . sleep ( 1 )          current_time  =  datetime . datetime . now (). strftime ( "%H:%M:%S" )          if   set_time  ==  current_time :              print ( "get up" )              winsound . PlaySound ( "sound.wav" , winsound . SND_ASYNC )          else :              break Create the root for tkinter use root  =  Tk () root . geometry ( "500x400" ) root . title ( "Alarm clock in pyt

How to draw windows logo | Draw windows logo using python

  Which module you need for this project In this whole project we will just use the turtle module of  python Why not other languages If you are in industry of programming then you know that we also can draw and create animation in C but we choose python because it is easy to understand for begenners. So try to understand the code👨‍💻. First part import all method from the module turtle from   turtle   import  * Second part Then use the done() method to hold the screen done () Final part from   turtle   import  * # set background color as black bgcolor ( 'black' ) # make the position penup () goto (- 50 , 90 ) pendown () # set the pen color pencolor ( '#00adef' ) # color your design fillcolor ( '#00adef' ) begin_fill () left ( 9 ) forward ( 200 ) right ( 99 ) forward ( 200 ) right ( 99 ) forward ( 200 ) right ( 81 ) forward ( 140 ) end_fill () # draw the cross lines pencolor ( 'black' ) pensize ( 9 ) penup () right ( 81 ) forward ( 90 ) right ( 99 ) pen