Printing Your Name Using a Python Programm
In this post, we will write a program where we will take the user's name as input and in output, we will show them the pattern of their name. It will be really fun so let's jump into the code without wasting any time
from random import randrange
#Function print_text_in_symbol
def print_text_in_symbol(text_input, symbol_char = 'X', symbol_bg = '-', inline = False):
#Lists for the formation of the letters
a = ['000000000000',
b = ['000000000000',
c = ['000000000000',
d = ['000000000000',
e = ['000000000000',
f = ['000000000000',
g = ['000000000000',
h = ['000000000000',
i = ['000000000000',
j = ['000000000000',
k = ['000000000000',
l = ['000000000000',
m = ['000000000000',
n = ['000000000000',
o = ['000000000000',
p = ['000000000000',
q = ['000000000000',
r = ['000000000000',
s = ['000000000000',
t = ['000000000000',
u = ['000000000000',
v = ['000000000000',
w = ['000000000000',
x = ['000000000000',
y = ['000000000000',
z = ['000000000000',
sp = ['000000000000',
n0 = ['000000000000',
n1 = ['000000000000',
n2 = ['000000000000',
n3 = ['000000000000',
n4 = ['000000000000',
n5 = ['000000000000',
n6 = ['000000000000',
n7 = ['000000000000',
n8 = ['000000000000',
n9 = ['000000000000',
s0 = ['000000000000',
s1 = ['000000000000',
s2 = ['000000000000',
s3 = ['000000000000',
s4 = ['000000000000',
s5 = ['000000000000',
ascii_alph = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
sp, n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9,
s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s5]
#---END------Lists for the formation of the letters----------------
res = ''
dont_use =''
alph = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!,.-+'
text_error = 'Print Successful.\n Your text :'
text_input = text_input.lower()
your_text = text_input
#-----------Processing errors in text_input-----------------
# 1. If nothing is entered
if text_input == '':
text_input = 'none text'
your_text = "You don't input text."
# 2. Checking for a character in the alphabet
for char in text_input.lower():
# 3. if there is no character in the alphabet function returns an error(ValueError)
#------error Processing(ValueError)----
except ValueError:
text_error = '''
Error input.
1. Use A-Z a-z, 0-9, ?!,.-+, for your input.
Your text: '''
# changing text_input
text_input = 'error'
#---END---error Processing(ValueError)------
# Outputs the generated string
if inline:
res = ''
print_res = ''
for i in range(0, 8):
for char in text_input:
ch_ascii = ascii_alph[alph.index(char)]
res += ch_ascii[i]
res += '\n'
for char in res:
if char == '0':
print_res += symbol_bg
elif char == '1':
print_res += symbol_char
elif char == '\n':
print_res += '\n'
for char in text_input:
ch_ascii = ascii_alph[alph.index(char)]
for i in ch_ascii:
for t in i:
for char in t:
if char == '0':
res += symbol_bg
elif char == '1':
res += symbol_char
res = ''
#---END-----Processing errors in input-----------------
#-----END---------Function print_text_in_symbol------------
#---Set for select characters-------------------------------
ch ='XO#@'
ch_bg = '.`'
#---Random selection of a set of characters----------------
rand_ch = ch[randrange(len(ch))]
rand_bg = ch_bg[randrange(len(ch_bg))]
#User input----------------------------------------
text_input = input()
print("Please leave a like if you enjoyed!\n")
# print("print in a horizontal line".upper())
#print_text_in_symbol(text_input, rand_ch, rand_bg, inline = True)
print("print in a vertical line".upper())
print_text_in_symbol(text_input, rand_ch, rand_bg, inline = False)
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