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Showing posts with the label vscode

How to Make an Animation RGB Color Using CSS || rgb animation in css and html - Creation Code

 Introduction: In this project, we will create a button which is covered by an animation that creates RGB effect HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">     <title>RGB button by creation code</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body>     <a href="#" class="button">         <span>CREATION CODE</span>     </a> </body> </html> CSS: html, body{     height: 100%;     overflow: hidden; } body{     background: #191919;     display: flex;     align-items: center;     justify-content: center; } .button{     background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #00C0FF 0%, #FFCF00 49%, #FC4F4F 100%);     position: relativ

React Interview questions - Creation Code

 Top react interview question: 1. Differentiate between Real DOM and Virtual DOM?      Real DOM -    * it updates slow    * can directly update HTML   * create a new DOM if element updates   * DOM manipulation is very expensive   Virtual DOM -   * it updates faster   * can't update HTML directly   * updates the JSX if element updates   * DOM manipulation is very easy 2. What is JSX?        JSX is a shorthand for Javascript XML.this is a     type of file used by reacting which utilize the    the expressiveness of Javascript along with HTML     like template syntax. this makes the HTML file    really easy to understand. this file makes     application robust and boosts its performance.    Below is an example of JSX:                                  render(){                    return(                          <div>                          <h1>SUBSCRIBE TO CREATION CODE<h1/>                          <div/>);                         } 3. How can you embed two o

Create an Awesome Calculator Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript - Creation Code

Calculator: The first  solid-state electronic  calculator was created in the early 1960s. Pocket-sized devices became available in the 1970s, especially after the  Intel 4004 , the first  microprocessor , was developed by  Intel  for the Japanese calculator company  Busicom . They later became used commonly within the petroleum industry(oil and gas) In this post, we will create a simple calculator for use on the web with the help of HTML, CSS, and javascript HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>  <meta charset="UTF-8">  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">  <title>calculator</title>  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css"> </head> <body>  <section class="calculator">   <form>    <input type="text" name="&

Face Detection using Python | Detect face in Python with OpenCV

  Face detection in python using OpenCV is a really awesome project for your resume. Because this kind of technology is used by tesla in their autopilot mode. Think you can also make it with python is it not really sound cool Modules: In this project, we will use two modules of  python  numpy opencv We also use a data set for detecting the faces you can find it from  here Code import cv2 import numpy as np cap = cv2 . VideoCapture ( 0 ) face_cascade = cv2 . CascadeClassifier ( cv2 .data.haarcascades + 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml' ) while True :     ret , frame = cap .read()     gray = cv2 . cvtColor ( frame , cv2 . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )         faces = face_cascade .detectMultiScale( gray , 1.3 , 5 )     for ( x , y , w , h ) in faces :         cv2 . rectangle ( frame ,( x , y ),( x + w , y + h ),( 255 , 0 , 0 ), 5 )     cv2 . imshow ( 'frame' , frame )     if ( cv2 . waitKey ( 1 )== ord ( 'e' )):         break cap .release() cv2 . destroyAllWindo

Gun Detection using Python-OpenCV | weapon detection project

 Gun detection using Open CV is a very useful project for your resume and also useful for real-life projects. Many industries use this kind of technology for weapon detection. So it will be great if you can make such a project using python in very simple steps. Difficulty: It will be very simple code. By using some simple method of OpenCV(open source computer vision) you can create this project and have some fun Modules: OpenCV(for installation use pip install opencv-python on your terminal) NumPy(for installation use pip install numpy ) Imutils(for installation use pip install imutils ) Datetime(you don't need to install it) Notes: In this project, I use a pre-ready dataset for detecting guns you can get it from  here Code: import numpy as np import cv2 import imutils import datetime gun_cascade = cv2 . CascadeClassifier ( 'cascade.xml' ) camera = cv2 . VideoCapture ( 0 ) firstFrame = None gun_exist = False while True :         ret , frame = camera .read()    

Draw olimptrade logo using python

  Trading is a good method to earn money if you have the right skill but coding is the best method to convert your thought to reality so let's also create  Olimp trade logo using python Code: import turtle as t t.hideturtle() t.bgcolor("black") t.penup() t.goto(-10,-20) t.pendown() t.pensize(35) t.pencolor("white") t.pensize(0) t.penup() t.goto(-105,-50) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor("green") t.forward(200) t.left(120) t.forward(200) t.left(120) t.forward(200) t.end_fill() t.done() Follow my socials: Youtube: Instagram: Twitter:

Draw apple phone using python | apple phone in python turtle

  Modules: In this project, we will use only one module called turtle Code: import turtle as t # starting of main border t . hideturtle () t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( "#9933ff" ) t . penup () t . goto (- 270 , 240 ) t . pendown () t . forward ( 200 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . forward ( 430 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . forward ( 200 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . forward ( 430 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . end_fill () # starting of camera border t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( "#000000" ) t . penup () t . goto (- 170 , 200 ) t . pendown () t . right ( 90 ) t . forward ( 60 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . forward ( 60 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . forward ( 60 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . forward ( 60 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . end_fill () # starting of second border t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( "#d9b3ff" ) t . penup () t . goto (- 250 , 220 ) t . pendown () t . left ( 90 ) t . forward ( 50 ) t . circle (- 25 , 90 ) t . forward ( 50 ) t .

Draw spiderman logo using python | spiderman logo with python turtle

Well like me I think you are also a fan of spiderman. We also do coding so let's create our favorite superhero in python and have some fun with it Module: We only use one simple module in this project that is Turtle Code: from turtle import * bgcolor ( 'red' ) pensize ( 10 ) fillcolor ( 'black' ) begin_fill () circle ( 20 ) end_fill () penup () right ( 90 ) forward ( 5 ) pendown () fillcolor ( 'black' ) begin_fill () right ( 60 ) for i in range ( 6 ):     forward ( 50 )     left ( 60 ) end_fill () penup () left ( 150 ) forward ( 39 ) left ( 90 ) forward ( 9 ) pendown () forward ( 25 ) right ( 60 ) forward ( 15 ) left ( 60 ) forward ( 25 ) penup () backward ( 25 ) right ( 60 ) back ( 15 ) left ( 60 ) backward ( 25 ) left ( 60 ) pendown () backward ( 35 ) left ( 120 ) forward ( 80 ) penup () left ( 40 ) forward ( 30 ) left ( 140 ) pendown () forward ( 110 ) left ( 60 ) forward ( 40 ) right ( 60 ) forward ( 7 ) right ( 60 ) forward ( 20 ) left ( 60 ) forw

How to draw github logo using python | draw github logo in python

  Module: In this post, we keep it very simple and easy so we will use only one module that is the turtle Code: from turtle import * speed ( 0 ) fillcolor ( '#211F1F' ) begin_fill () circle ( 100 ) end_fill () penup () goto ( 25 , 150 ) left ( 170 ) pendown () pencolor ( 'white' ) fillcolor ( 'white' ) begin_fill () # head upper part for i in range ( 95 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     left ( 0.2 ) # head left part for i in range ( 30 ):     forward ( 1 )     left ( 1 ) for i in range ( 24 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     left ( 1 ) for i in range ( 17 ):     forward ( 1 )     left ( 1 ) for i in range ( 17 ):     forward ( 1.7 )     left ( 0.6 ) for i in range ( 25 ):     left ( 1 )     forward ( 0.5 ) for i in range ( 24 ):     left ( 1 )     forward ( 0.5 ) for i in range ( 30 ):     left ( 1 )     forward ( 1 ) # left side of the body right ( 125 ) for i in range ( 70 ):     forward ( 0.2 )     left ( 0.55 ) for i in range ( 58 ):     fo

Text to hand writing note using python | Python GUI project

Text to handwriting:-  As a student, I need to write a lot of things. This takes more time than typing. So what will be if we can convert our computer type to handwriting. Well, it will save your time and will be very fun. In this project, we will work on this project and it will really help you. Libraries:- For creating a user interface(UI) we will use python's Tkinter library. To convert text into handwriting we will use   the pywhatkit library. Installation:- Tkinter:- pip install tkinter Pywhatkit:- pip install pywhatkit Code:- import tkinter as tk from tkinter import font import pywhatkit as py from PIL import Image as img # Top level window frame = tk . Tk () frame . title ( "text to handwriting" ) tk . Label ( frame , text = "Enter your sentence" , font = "lucida 20 bold" ). pack () frame . geometry ( '400x200' ) # Function for getting Input # from textbox and printing it # at label widget def prinoutput ():     inp =

How to draw whatsapp logo using python | Draw whatsapp in python

In our daily life, we use Whatsapp. It becomes our part of life to communicate with our families and friends. So let's drive into the code and have some fun with our code. Module used: It is a beginner's friendly project so we will keep it simple and easy and use only one module that is the turtle. Code: from turtle import * from typing import ForwardRef speed( 200 ) bgcolor( 'black' ) penup() goto(- 50 , 50 ) right( 30 ) pendown() fillcolor( '#25D366' ) begin_fill() pencolor( 'white' ) pensize( 10 ) circle( 100 , 335 ) right( 60 ) forward( 30 ) left( 1 ) forward( 10 ) left( 126 ) forward( 43 ) end_fill() pensize( 0 ) penup() goto(- 47 , 185 ) right( 160 ) pendown() fillcolor( 'white' ) begin_fill() for i in range ( 82 ):     forward( 0.5 )     left( 1 ) for i in range ( 100 ):     forward( 1 )     left( 0.5 ) for i in range ( 84 ):     forward( 0.5 )     left( 1 ) left( 10 ) for i in range ( 30 ):     forward( 0.3 )     left( 0.3 ) l