Required module You just only need the turtle module in this project Explanation First of all we need to make the square shape of the youtube . But if you notice it correctly the square shape is little curvey so we need to make it curve but not wiedly but little using the for loop Source Code import turtle as t t.pencolor('red') t.fillcolor('red') t.begin_fill() t.penup() t.goto(150,100) t.left(180) t.right(3) t.pendown() for i in range(10): t.forward(30) t.left(0.5) for i in range(65): t.forward(1) t.left(1) for i in range(6): t.forward(2) t.left(2) for i in range(8): t.forward(10) t.left(1) for i in range(10): t.left(1) t.forward(10) for i in range(6): t.forward(2) t.left(2) for i in range(65): t.forward(1) t.left(1) t.left(3) for i in range(10):
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