Hero: Hero MotoCorp Limited, formerly Hero Honda, is an Indian multinational motorcycle and scooter manufacture headquartered in New Delhi, India . The company is the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world, and also in India, where it has a market share of about 37.1% in the two-wheeler industry. As of 27 May 2021, the market capitalization of the company was ₹59,600 crore (US$7.9 billion). In this project, we will use python to make this logo so let's jumpy into the code without wasting any time Code: import turtle as t t.hideturtle() t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor('red') t.right(20) t.forward(50) t.left(110) t.forward(200) t.left(70) t.forward(50) t.left(110) t.forward(200) t.end_fill() t.penup() t.goto(100,50) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor('black') t.left(60) t.forward(50) t.left(120) t.forward(200) t.left(70) t.forward(50) t.left(111) t.forward(145) t.left(115) t.forward(50) t.right(117) t.forward(50) t.right(64) t.for...
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