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Showing posts with the label logo

Draw Hero Logo With Python - Creation Code

Hero: Hero MotoCorp Limited, formerly Hero Honda, is an Indian  multinational motorcycle  and  scooter manufacture  headquartered in  New Delhi, India . The company is the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world, and also in India, where it has a market share of about 37.1% in the two-wheeler industry. As of 27 May 2021, the  market capitalization  of the company was ₹59,600 crore  (US$7.9 billion). In this project, we will use python to make this logo so let's jumpy into the code without wasting any time Code: import turtle as t t.hideturtle() t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor('red') t.right(20) t.forward(50) t.left(110) t.forward(200) t.left(70) t.forward(50) t.left(110) t.forward(200) t.end_fill() t.penup() t.goto(100,50) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor('black') t.left(60) t.forward(50) t.left(120) t.forward(200) t.left(70) t.forward(50) t.left(111) t.forward(145) t.left(115) t.forward(50) t.right(117) t.forward(50) t.right(64) t.forward(46) t.end_fill() t.

Draw Devil Emoje Using Pure Python

  The world got a little more mischievous in 2010 when the  Smiling Face With Horn's  emoji 😈   was approved on Unicode 6.0. It’s commonly called the  D evil  or  Happy Devil  emoji.Let's drive into the code and see how to draw devil emoji using python Code: import turtle as t t . speed ( 50 ) t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( '#8F0A7A' ) t . circle ( 100 ) t . end_fill () t . penup () t . left ( 90 ) t . forward ( 100 ) t . left ( 90 ) t . forward ( 23 ) t . pendown () t . pencolor ( 'black' ) t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( 'black' ) t . circle ( 10 ) t . end_fill () t . right (- 160 ) def eybrow ():     t . begin_fill ()     t . fillcolor ( 'black' )     for i in range ( 8 ):         t . forward (- 5 )         t . left ( 1 )     t . left ( 170 )     for i in range ( 20 ):         t . forward ( 1 )         t . right ( 5 )     t . right ( 90 )     for i in range ( 5 ):         t . forward ( 6 )         t . left (- 1 )     t . lef

How to Draw Python logo In Python

  We will see that how we can draw a python logo with the help of python itself. It gonna be fun to see that python is building python itself. So let's drive into the code Modules: In this post, we will use one popular module that is turtle Code: from turtle import * speed ( 100 ) pencolor ( '#4584b6' ) fillcolor ( '#4584b6' ) begin_fill () penup () goto (- 70 , 20 ) left ( 180 ) pendown () forward ( 10 ) for i in range ( 50 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     right ( 1 ) for i in range ( 80 ):     forward ( 2 )     right ( 1 ) for i in range ( 50 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     right ( 1 ) forward ( 130 ) left ( 90 ) forward ( 10 ) left ( 90 ) forward ( 90 ) right ( 90 ) forward ( 30 ) for i in range ( 50 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     right ( 1 ) for i in range ( 80 ):     forward ( 2 )     right ( 1 ) for i in range ( 50 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     right ( 1 ) forward ( 80 ) for i in range ( 90 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     right ( 1 ) forward ( 120 ) for i in

How to Draw Pepsi Logo in Python

  Pepsi is a popular drinking soda you also drink this in your daily life. But why do we want to create this logo in python because creating such drawing things and easy things keep you motivated to keep going in the coding field and everyone draw it with pencils and you will draw it by computer using python it looks cool. Code: import turtle as t t . pencolor ( 'white' ) t . circle ( 150 ) t . penup () t . circle ( 150 ,- 48 ) t . pendown () t . fillcolor ( '#C9002B' ) t . begin_fill () t . pencolor ( '#C9002B' ) t . circle ( 150 ,- 163 ) t . left ( 105 ) for i in range ( 10 ):     t . forward ( 30 )     t . right ( 5 ) t . forward ( 9 ) t . end_fill () t . pencolor ( 'white' ) t . left ( 180 ) t . right ( 70.9 ) t . penup () t . circle ( 150 , 4 ) t . pendown () t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( '#004B93' ) t . pencolor ( '#004B93' ) t . circle ( 150 , 170 ) t . left ( 160 ) for i in range ( 40 ):     t . forward ( 4 )     t .

Draw spiderman logo using python | spiderman logo with python turtle

Well like me I think you are also a fan of spiderman. We also do coding so let's create our favorite superhero in python and have some fun with it Module: We only use one simple module in this project that is Turtle Code: from turtle import * bgcolor ( 'red' ) pensize ( 10 ) fillcolor ( 'black' ) begin_fill () circle ( 20 ) end_fill () penup () right ( 90 ) forward ( 5 ) pendown () fillcolor ( 'black' ) begin_fill () right ( 60 ) for i in range ( 6 ):     forward ( 50 )     left ( 60 ) end_fill () penup () left ( 150 ) forward ( 39 ) left ( 90 ) forward ( 9 ) pendown () forward ( 25 ) right ( 60 ) forward ( 15 ) left ( 60 ) forward ( 25 ) penup () backward ( 25 ) right ( 60 ) back ( 15 ) left ( 60 ) backward ( 25 ) left ( 60 ) pendown () backward ( 35 ) left ( 120 ) forward ( 80 ) penup () left ( 40 ) forward ( 30 ) left ( 140 ) pendown () forward ( 110 ) left ( 60 ) forward ( 40 ) right ( 60 ) forward ( 7 ) right ( 60 ) forward ( 20 ) left ( 60 ) forw

How to draw github logo using python | draw github logo in python

  Module: In this post, we keep it very simple and easy so we will use only one module that is the turtle Code: from turtle import * speed ( 0 ) fillcolor ( '#211F1F' ) begin_fill () circle ( 100 ) end_fill () penup () goto ( 25 , 150 ) left ( 170 ) pendown () pencolor ( 'white' ) fillcolor ( 'white' ) begin_fill () # head upper part for i in range ( 95 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     left ( 0.2 ) # head left part for i in range ( 30 ):     forward ( 1 )     left ( 1 ) for i in range ( 24 ):     forward ( 0.5 )     left ( 1 ) for i in range ( 17 ):     forward ( 1 )     left ( 1 ) for i in range ( 17 ):     forward ( 1.7 )     left ( 0.6 ) for i in range ( 25 ):     left ( 1 )     forward ( 0.5 ) for i in range ( 24 ):     left ( 1 )     forward ( 0.5 ) for i in range ( 30 ):     left ( 1 )     forward ( 1 ) # left side of the body right ( 125 ) for i in range ( 70 ):     forward ( 0.2 )     left ( 0.55 ) for i in range ( 58 ):     fo

How to draw apple logo using python | Draw apple logo using turtle

  Apple  Well I don't need to introduce apple. You know how apple has become the first company to hit trillion revenue. Well the hardwork is in their. I also do hardwork on this logo so kindly request to you to support me for my hardwork so I can make more project for you with source code. Module import   turtle   as   t Source Code import   turtle   as   t t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( 'black' ) t . left ( 134 ) for   i   in   range ( 30 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 5 ) for   i   in   range ( 35 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . left ( 5 ) t . forward ( 30 ) for   i   in   range ( 15 ):      t . forward ( 0.7 )      t . right ( 3 ) t . forward ( 25 ) t . left ( 5 ) for   i   in   range ( 50 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 3 ) for   i   in   range ( 50 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 5 ) for   i   in   range ( 45 ):      t . forward ( 2 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 5 )

How to draw juventus logo using python | Juventus logo with turtle

  Juventus Well juventus is a football club and even most of you are fan of juventus so decide to post the source code so you can draw your favourite club with coding ant it also increase the motivation to do code so let's code Module As every post we use the same turtle module import   turtle   as   t   Source code import   turtle   as   t   t . bgcolor ( 'black' ) t . speed ( 1 ) t . pencolor ( 'white' ) t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( 'white' ) t . forward ( 50 ) t . right ( 90 ) t . forward ( 100 ) for   i   in   range ( 18 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left (- 3 ) t . forward ( 25 ) t . left (- 78 ) t . forward ( 22 ) t . right ( 112 ) t . forward ( 18 ) t . penup () t . pendown () for   i   in   range ( 18 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 3 )      t . right (- 10 ) t . forward ( 73 ) t . right (- 90 ) t . forward ( 34 ) t . right ( 90 ) t . forward ( 23 ) t . end_fill () t . penup () t . right ( 90 ) t . forward ( 100 ) t . right ( 90 )