Shopping app in python Hello coders. Well we can see that how technology is growing in this world. In this modern age we are roughly using internet and other technology. Shopping is a part of our life many of us do shoping in online. But some time it take so much time so we need to go to our local shop to purcahse our items. So you need to make a list of your items. Also you may see that shop keeper create a tic mark on the list of your items so you and shop keeper be sure that the item has checked. Our app gonna make this task so easy for you as well as shop keeper. So ready for code Required module In this project we will use a famouse module for GUI application called tkinter . Install tkinter Simply use the commond pip install tkinter to install tkinter in python Now import the module from tkinter import * Create a root variable root = Tk () Source code Now you have all set to make the application from tkinter import * root ...
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