How to Make a Page Loading Animation Using CSS || Horizontal spinner effect using CSS - Creation Code
Page Loader Using CSS: In this post, we will create a spinner loading effect using CSS. A loader can create an excellent user experience in your app or website. This loader animation will be a horizontal effect and you can use it before loading your page. Explanation: 1. First, create an HTML file and make a span section with class loader < span class =" loader "></ span > 2. Now give the loader class a suitable height and width with some adjustment . loader { margin: 600 px ; width: 100 px ; height: 100 px ; position: relative ; } 3. Create the before and after effect . loader :: before , . loader :: after { content: ''; position: absolute ; width: inherit ; height: inherit ; border-radius: 50 % ; mix-blend-mode: multiply ; animation: rotate 1 s infinite cubic-bezier ( 0.77 , 0 , 0.175 , 1...