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Showing posts from August, 2021

How to make a shopping app | Make shoping app using python

Shopping app in python Hello coders. Well we can see that how technology is growing in this world. In this modern age we are roughly using internet and other technology. Shopping is a part of our life many of us do shoping in online. But some time it take so much time so we need to go to our local shop to purcahse our items. So you need to make a list of your items. Also you may see that shop keeper create a tic mark on the list of your items so you and shop keeper be sure that the item has checked. Our app gonna make this task so easy for you as well as shop keeper. So ready for code Required module In this project we will use a famouse module for GUI application called tkinter . Install tkinter Simply use the commond pip install tkinter to install tkinter in python Now import the module from   tkinter   import  * Create a root variable root  =  Tk () Source code Now you have all set to make the application  from   tkinter   import  * root  =  Tk () # the function for user desire sho

How to draw apple logo using python | Draw apple logo using turtle

  Apple  Well I don't need to introduce apple. You know how apple has become the first company to hit trillion revenue. Well the hardwork is in their. I also do hardwork on this logo so kindly request to you to support me for my hardwork so I can make more project for you with source code. Module import   turtle   as   t Source Code import   turtle   as   t t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( 'black' ) t . left ( 134 ) for   i   in   range ( 30 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 5 ) for   i   in   range ( 35 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . left ( 5 ) t . forward ( 30 ) for   i   in   range ( 15 ):      t . forward ( 0.7 )      t . right ( 3 ) t . forward ( 25 ) t . left ( 5 ) for   i   in   range ( 50 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 3 ) for   i   in   range ( 50 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 5 ) for   i   in   range ( 45 ):      t . forward ( 2 )      t . left ( 1 ) t . right ( 5 )

How to draw juventus logo using python | Juventus logo with turtle

  Juventus Well juventus is a football club and even most of you are fan of juventus so decide to post the source code so you can draw your favourite club with coding ant it also increase the motivation to do code so let's code Module As every post we use the same turtle module import   turtle   as   t   Source code import   turtle   as   t   t . bgcolor ( 'black' ) t . speed ( 1 ) t . pencolor ( 'white' ) t . begin_fill () t . fillcolor ( 'white' ) t . forward ( 50 ) t . right ( 90 ) t . forward ( 100 ) for   i   in   range ( 18 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left (- 3 ) t . forward ( 25 ) t . left (- 78 ) t . forward ( 22 ) t . right ( 112 ) t . forward ( 18 ) t . penup () t . pendown () for   i   in   range ( 18 ):      t . forward ( 1 )      t . left ( 3 )      t . right (- 10 ) t . forward ( 73 ) t . right (- 90 ) t . forward ( 34 ) t . right ( 90 ) t . forward ( 23 ) t . end_fill () t . penup () t . right ( 90 ) t . forward ( 100 ) t . right ( 90 )

How to draw windows logo | Draw windows logo using python

  Which module you need for this project In this whole project we will just use the turtle module of  python Why not other languages If you are in industry of programming then you know that we also can draw and create animation in C but we choose python because it is easy to understand for begenners. So try to understand the code👨‍💻. First part import all method from the module turtle from   turtle   import  * Second part Then use the done() method to hold the screen done () Final part from   turtle   import  * # set background color as black bgcolor ( 'black' ) # make the position penup () goto (- 50 , 90 ) pendown () # set the pen color pencolor ( '#00adef' ) # color your design fillcolor ( '#00adef' ) begin_fill () left ( 9 ) forward ( 200 ) right ( 99 ) forward ( 200 ) right ( 99 ) forward ( 200 ) right ( 81 ) forward ( 140 ) end_fill () # draw the cross lines pencolor ( 'black' ) pensize ( 9 ) penup () right ( 81 ) forward ( 90 ) right ( 99 ) pen

How to draw batman logo using python| Batman logo using turtle

Why choose python Well if you are a beginer in coding or you are an advance coder then you know that we can create animiation in C and C++ language. But I will said that if you are a beginer then you should start with a simple and easy language whic is python. For this reason we choose python. Only animation? If you are thinking that the power of programming languages is only to drawing. Then you are absolutly wrong. The power of coding is unlimited you can use python to automate a system even hackers also use python wisely hence it has easy commond and syntax. We use to draw some interesting stuffs because it will increase your will to learn coding. As the time will go we will dive into some advance project. So don't  be bored just stay tuned. What is required module We will use the turtle module in this project. Logic of the project Well we will not use any heigh level algorithm which can be tough for you to understand. We just use a simple method. A method to draw a curve in tu

How to draw youtube logo using python

 Required module You just only need the turtle module   in this project Explanation First of all we need to make the square shape of the youtube . But if you notice it correctly the square shape is little curvey so we need to make it curve but not wiedly but little using the for loop Source Code import turtle as t t.pencolor('red') t.fillcolor('red') t.begin_fill() t.penup() t.goto(150,100) t.left(180) t.right(3) t.pendown() for i in  range(10):     t.forward(30)     t.left(0.5) for i in range(65):     t.forward(1)     t.left(1) for i in range(6):     t.forward(2)     t.left(2) for i in range(8):     t.forward(10)     t.left(1) for i in range(10):     t.left(1)     t.forward(10) for i in range(6):     t.forward(2)     t.left(2) for i in range(65):     t.forward(1)     t.left(1) t.left(3) for i in  range(10):     t.forward(30)     t.left(0.5) for i in range(65):     t.forward(1)     t.left(1) for i in range(6):     t.forward(2)     t.left(2) for i in range(8):     t.f

How to draw discord logo using python

 Python turtle module In this project we will use the python turtle module to draw the discord logo Installation of the module If you have Python3.0.0 or the latest version of python then we have the module preinstalled already. But if you have not the latest version you can simply install it by the commond pip install turtle. But if you have not install the pip in your terminal you can not use the module. First Part Firstly import the module and all the methon using from turtle import *  Create the curve The post is all depend on the drawing of the curve. So it is important to draw a curve and then join the curve and create your own desgin. Draw the curve using  for loop. for i in range(27):      forward(2)      right(0.3) Source Code from   turtle   import  * pensize ( 3 ) speed ( 7000 ) bgcolor ( '#7289DA' ) penup () goto (- 40 , 50 ) left ( 5 ) pendown () for   i   in   range ( 27 ):      forward ( 2 )      right ( 0.3 ) left ( 60 ) forward ( 20 ) penup () backward ( 20 )